III-1: The gods said to the blessed Lord: We would fashion the mystic marks. The blessed Lord told them: Seated in the lotus posture with the region of the knees touching the earth, make the mystic marks.
III-2: He who knows the mystic mark of the triangle attracts all; he knows all; enjoys all fruits; he breaks up all and immobilizes the foe. Keeping the middle fingers over the ring fingers, he (brings together) the little fingers and the thumbs, the forefingers being left free like rods pointing downward. Thus is the first mark made (the triangle).
III-3: The same with the middle fingers joined is the second (the seed).
III-4: The third has the shape of the goad.
III-5: Rubbing the palms in the reverse order, bringing together the thumbs and the forefingers, the fourth is formed (the great goad).
III-6: The fifth (the great Deluder) is made when the thumbs are joined to the nails of the middle fingers, after rubbing with the forefinger on the little finger and the ring fingers held straight with the middle fingers.
III-7: The same shaped at the tip like a goad is the sixth (the All-subduing).
III-8: Keeping the left hand in the right resting posture, the ring fingers in the middle of the little fingers, and the middle fingers with the forefingers crossed over them, the thumbs straight, one gets the seventh, the khechari (the All-attracting).
III-9: In the all-upright, all-retracting posture, keeping each little finger in the space between its middle finger and the ring finger, and at the sides the forefingers in the shape of the goad, and the thumbs and palms in contact, the eighth is formed (the All-scattering).
III-10: The ring fingers rest on the back of the middle fingers; the thumbs holding the middle fingers on which rest the forefingers remain in the middle – thus is the ninth formed (the All-agitating).
III-11: Keeping the little fingers equally in and the thumbs, too, equally in, the mystic mark comes to have three sections. The five arrows, the mystic marks such as the five, are clear.
III-12: Krom is the seed of the goad; (ha, sa are those of Siva and Sakti; kha, of killing; prem, of enchantment); ha, sa, kha, prem, of khechari; ha (of the sun); straum (of desire); (ka) the first seed of Vagbhava is the ninth. (Ha, the first seed of Kamakuta) is the tenth. Whoso knows thus (becomes an adept in mantra).
III-13: Now, therefore, we shall expound the wheel that has become the Kamakala. Hrim, klim, aim, blum, straum – these five desires pervade the whole wheel. Wrap up the middle desire, aim, in the past (desire), straum, (i.e. aim, straum, aim). Let this group be put within blum. Bind up twice the end sought with the two medial aim-s and worship (setting them) in the birch-bark. Whoso knows this wheel knows all; he attracts all the worlds; he immobilizes everything. The wheel dyed in indigo slays foes, arrests all movements. Smearing it with lac, one controls all worlds. Uttering the formula nine lakhs of times, one attains the status of Rudra. Wrapping up (the wheel) in the inscribed diagram, one becomes victorious. Offering oblation in the fire built in a triangular fire-place, one wins over women. Doing so in a fire-place shaped like a rod or a circle one acquires unrivalled wealth. Doing so in a square fire-place one gets rain. If one offers oblations in a triangular fire-place, foes are killed, movements are immobilized Offering flowers, one becomes victorious. Offering substances having great tastes, one becomes surcharged with supreme joy. The great tastes are the six tastes.
III-14: We invoke you, Leader of hosts,
Of poets, poet, most renowned;
Doyen of kings, among Brahman-s
Lord of Brahman-s, pay heed to us.
Come with protection to our homes.
Uttering this hymn, touch the body pronouncing ga with the dot above. Bow down to Ganesha saying gam to Ganesha. Om, Bow unto the blessed Lord, with ash-smeared limbs, of formidable prowess. Kill ! Kill !! burn ! burn !! consume ! consume !! subdue ! subdue !! erase ! erase !! Breaker up of the plough ! At the foot of the trident , secure the accomplishment of the symbol. Dry up ! Dry up !! The Eastern sea ! Immobilize ! Immobilize!! You who disrupt the counsels, the machines, the strategy, the messengers, the armies of the enemy, tear up ! tear up !! cut up ! cut up !! hrim, phat, Svaha. With this worship the Lord of the field.
III-15: Oh maid of noble lineage !
We know, we contemplate a crore
Of mantras; so many Kula’s force
Inspire us ever.
Thus adoring the maiden, whichever aspirant meditates, attains immortality. He attains renown and the full stretch of life. Or, knowing the Supreme Brahman, he abides. Whosoever knows thus (wins the fruit). This is the great Upanishad.
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